Remove rust and light debris from any surface. Made of highly resistant crimped wire with a high wire density.
Wire Brush Selection
Between the brush (filament) and the surface there must be:
Mechanical Compatibility Relation between the hardness of the tool and the surface to be treated. It’s not recommended to use hard carbon steel for light deburring of a soft metal like aluminum. An alternative recommendation is to use synthetic filaments.
Chemical Compatibility The wire must withstand the corrosive attacks from the chemical environment. It’s not recommended to use carbon steel brushes in the presence of acid solutions and high salt environments and the contamination of the processed material must be avoided (it’s not recommended to use carbon steel brushes on stainless steel surfaces).
Choosing the Brush Shape
Brush size and shape must be chosen considering the part shape, the specific brushing operation, the power tool and the working environment. (For example, cup, disc or roller brushes are recommended for working on flat surfaces.)
Wheel Brushes suitable as cavities cleaning and edges deburring (weld cleaning within chamfers or pipe heads, pipes deburring).
Cup Brushes ideal for flat surfaces. They allow to brush wide bands and ease surface finishing operations.
End Brushes suitable for holes and cavities cleaning. Filling material can be set inside holes. Once it starts spinning it will spread out allowing the cavity side walls to be brushed. For this same reason end brushes are not suitable for flat surfaces brushing.
Choosing the Wire Diameter
Wire size greatly influences surface brushing aggressiveness and the obtainable finishing.
Thin filaments are more flexible and have higher fatigue resistance but they are less aggressive. A bigger diameter gives higher aggressiveness but is also susceptibility to breakage.
This is why you should always try to use the thinnest filament possible compatibly with the desired finishing.
We offer filling materials with diameters from 0.10mm - 0.004" to 2.5mm - 0.1" and a product range that covers almost all of the possible brushing applications, from a light finishing to a heavy removal. Custom size for special applications.
Choosing the Wire Style
Wire Style- Choosing the Wire Style
- Twist Knots
- Smooth Synthetic Filament
- Crimped Synthetic Filament
Application- Ideal for light-duty operations such as paint, rust, scales, light coatings (deburring gear splines) and small burrs removal; light deburring and pipe heads deburring.
- More aggressive than crimped wire, suitable for heavy-duty jobs. Weld preparation and cleaning (butt-welded pipes), large pipe heads deburring, heavy burrs removal and foundry applications.
- sealing from air, dust, moisture and temperature (Strip linear brushes).
- Suitable for the removal of heavy dust and debris.
Advantages- High tensile strength
- Suitable for high rotational speeds
- Long lifetime
- Cost/lifetime convenience
- High aggressiveness
- Long lifetime
- Great finishing
- Optimal density
- Dimensional stability (size retention)
- High resistance
- Great stiffness
Choosing the Fill Density
Wire density affects the "hardness" of the brush surface: the thicker the wire, the harder the surface since there is a greater number of individual working tips (for a set area). High density brushes are characterized by lower penetration into the surface and smaller opening during processing. Wire density also affects the service life; distributing the brushing action among multiple tips of wire makes each filament less deformable. On the other hand, high density brushes accumulate greater frictional heat, therefore increasing the risk of overheating the brushed surface.
For example, pipe deburring operations require roller brushes made of different filling density depending on the diameter and the thickness of the pipe. Different sizes and thickness need different levels of interference.
Choosing the Trim Length
The trim length affects the stiffness of the wires and the hardness of the brushing surface: a longer trim length improves the flexibility and the penetration of the part. A shorter trim length improves the lifetime: there is lower wire deformation which means lower mechanical stress and lower risk of wire breakage.
In case of applications with fixed pressure (constant during the application, as an absolute value, not related to the trim length) choosing a short trim length will require the use of stiff brushes and working with high pressures in order to obtain the desired penetration. The brushing is very aggressive but the filament is susceptible to fatigue breakage.
For a set angular velocity it’s better to choose a longer trim length in order to obtain the desired penetration (interference) with less pressure/load; the brushing will be less aggressive but it will have a longer lifetime and a better performance.
Power, Speed, and Pressure
Brush selection criteria considered until this point have to be evaluated together with the characteristics (power, speed and pressure) of the source of power since these have a strong influence on the surface finishing. For example, a higher pressure will increase the face width of the brush obtaining a smoother surface finish. Brush characteristics together with operating parameters will determine the output of the surface treatment job. The surface finish has to be evaluated in terms of operational quality and efficiency: they are not always matching.
Unlike a coated abrasive wheel, a wire brush isn't a metal removal tool. Wire brushes are "impact" or "cutting" tools made up of thousands of wire tips attacking and shattering the surface to remove the adherence-be it rust, paint, oxidation, burr or anything else. Also unlike coated, bonded, or nonwoven abrasive tools, power brushes work with lower risk of deeply cutting the part, changing its shape and/or damaging previous finishing.
Additional size and wire options available.