All Categories > Abrasive Brushes > Abrasive Nylon Disc Brushes > Item # 33520  


Item # 33520, 4 Inch (in) Brush Diameter, 0.040 Inch (in) Filament Diameter, and 80 Grit Tufted Pattern Silicon Carbide Abrasive Nylon Disc Brush

Silicon Carbide Abrasive Nylon Disc Brushes

Our exclusive teardrop-shaped filament configuration provides the best of both world - heavy-duty abrasive action with sufficient room for air or coolant flow. Tufted configuration is designed for light-to-medium abrasive action applications. Custom engineered disc brushes can also be produced to suit your application, in a variety of abrasive nylon filament choices.

Specifications  · Accessories  · Applications  · Pattern  · Troubleshooting - Abrasive Nylon Brushes  · Additional Information  · Note





80 grit

Maximum Speed

2500 rpm


Silicon Carbide

Dry Application Starting Speed

1750 to 2500 rpm

Recommended Motor Size (Based on A 1 Inch (in) Brush Face)

1/4 hp

Disc Brush Drive Arbors

Description - Used to securely mount disc brushes for use in any type of milling or CNC machine. Drive arbor shaft is 3/4" diameter for use in any live tool holder. Drive arbor includes bolt and washer, part no. 35075.

Drive Arbor Part Number - 35050
For Brush Diameter - 3 in.
Shaft Diameter - 3/4 in.
Numbers of Locator Pins - 2

Replacement Bolt/Washer Kit

Part Number - 35070

Disc Brush Bands

Description - Apply to disc or end brushes to prevent flare and enhance aggressive action. To use, insert bands on disc where filament meets composite material.

Part Number - 35086
For Brush Diameter - 4 in.
Ring Inside Diameter (ID) - 3-1/4 in.
Ring Outside Diameter (OD) - 3-5/8 in.
Ring Width - 0.210 in.
Package Quantity - 3 per pack.

  • Cast Part Deburring
  • Airframe Components
  • Deburring Face-Milled Parts
  • Blending Grinding Marks
  • Improving Surface Finish

Use the Tufted Brush on contoured areas that need light to moderate surface finish. The bristle spacing allows for filament movement ideal for flat and varied surfaces.

Troubleshooting - Abrasive Nylon Brushes
Brush too aggressive
  • Reduce filament diameter and/or grit size
  • Reduce surface speed by reducing RPM
  • Increase trim length and decrease fill density
  • Increase feed rate
  • Use a smaller diameter brush
Brush not aggressive enough
  • Increase filament density and/or grit size
  • Increase surface speed by increasing RPM
  • Decrease trim length
  • Reduce feed rate
  • Use a larger diameter brush
Brush not conforming enough to part
  • Increase trim length
  • Reduce filament density
  • Use a smaller diameter brush
  • Reduce surface speed by reducing RPM
  • Reduce feed rate
Final finish too rough
  • Increase surface speed by increasing RPM
  • Use a larger diameter brush
  • Use a finer abrasive filament
  • Use a coolant or cutting oil
  • Use a buffing compound
Final finish too smooth
  • Reduce surface speed by reducing RPM
  • Use a smaller diameter brush
  • Increase filament density and/or grit size
Filament smearing/melting
  • Reduce surface speed by reducing RPM
  • Decrease brush diameter
  • Use a coolant or lubricant
More action needed on edges parallel to brush axis
  • Reduce surface speed by reducing RPM
  • Reduce feed rate
  • Keep longer brush contact on problem area
More action needed on edges perpendicular to brush axis
  • Reduce surface speed by reducing RPM
  • Increase feed rate
  • Oscillate brush on problem area
Brush action not uniform enough
  • Increase trim length
  • Reduce filament density
  • Use automated equipment for brush motion
Short brush life
  • Increase filament density
  • Reduce pressure/depth of interference

Additional Information
Abrasive nylon disc brushes work best at speeds allowing fairly deep penetration of the work piece into the brush filaments. Faster speeds do not typically work as well as slower speeds, since the maximum RPM listed on the brush is not the optimum working speed. A good rule of thumb is to stay below 2,500 SFPM in dry applications and 3,500 SFPM with coolant.

Rotational Direction
On the initial pass of the brush, rotation should be in the opposite direction of the cutting tool that created the burr. Brush should overlap edge of working piece by 1" minimum.

Brush Path
The ideal brush path is in the opposite direction of travel from the cutting tool that created the burr. The brush path should also be longer than the cutting tool path, to a point where the trailing edge of the brush is effective on the end of the part. Lastly, to maximize the amount of filament that is striking the part, the center line of the brush should be offset from the center of the part.

Penetration (Point of Contact)
The abrasive action occurs when the sides of the brush filament slide across the part surface or edge of the part. When the correct balance between speed (RPM), penetration, dwell time and abrasive grit size are achieved, then optimum life and cut can be obtained. Recommended penetration rates for abrasive nylon disc brushes are from 0.075" to 0.100". This will allow long brush life with aggressive abrasive action.

Additional diameters and grits available upon request.

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