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Item # 30280, CeramiX® 12 Inch (in) Brush Diameter, 120 Grit, and 0.028 Inch (in) Filament Diameter Abrasive Nylon Wheel Brush

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Image Tanis® abrasive nylon wheel brushes are made with CeramiX® filament molded into a urethane-based composite hub construction. The proprietary grain mineral in CeramiX® brushes is exclusive to Tanis® and was developed with 3M™. CeramiX® provides enhanced cutting action up to 3 to 5 times faster than traditional abrasive filaments. The mineral wears away in smaller pieces, consistently leaving more mineral in the filament to work on the part surface.

Specifications  · Surface Speed  · Accessories  · Applications  · Additional Information  · Troubleshooting - Abrasive Nylon Brushes  · Note





120 grit

Maximum Speed

1800 rpm





Dry Application Starting Speed

800 to 1000 rpm

Recommended Motor Size (Based on A 1 Inch (in) Brush Face)

1 hp

Surface Speed

Surface Speed (Peripheral Speed in Feet Per Minute (ft/min))

900 rpm

Surface Speed (Peripheral Speed in Feet Per Minute (ft/min)) at 900 Revolutions Per Minute (rpm) for 12 Inch (in) Diameter

2800 rpm

Surface Speed (Peripheral Speed in Feet Per Minute (ft/min)) at 1150 Revolutions Per Minute (rpm) for 12 Inch (in) Diameter

3600 rpm

Surface Speed (Peripheral Speed in Feet Per Minute (ft/min)) at 1200 Revolutions Per Minute (rpm) for 12 Inch (in) Diameter

3800 rpm

Surface Speed (Peripheral Speed in Feet Per Minute (ft/min)) at 1500 Revolutions Per Minute (rpm) for 12 Inch (in) Diameter

4700 rpm

Surface Speed (Peripheral Speed in Feet Per Minute (ft/min)) at 1750 Revolutions Per Minute (rpm) for 12 Inch (in) Diameter

5500 rpm

Surface Speed (Peripheral Speed in Feet Per Minute (ft/min)) at 2000 Revolutions Per Minute (rpm) for 12 Inch (in) Diameter

6300 rpm

Surface Speed (Peripheral Speed in Feet Per Minute (ft/min)) at 2400 Revolutions Per Minute (rpm) for 12 Inch (in) Diameter

7500 rpm

Surface Speed (Peripheral Speed in Feet Per Minute (ft/min)) at 2800 Revolutions Per Minute (rpm) for 12 Inch (in) Diameter

8800 rpm

Surface Speed (Peripheral Speed in Feet Per Minute (ft/min)) at 3000 Revolutions Per Minute (rpm) for 12 Inch (in) Diameter

9400 rpm

Surface Speed (Peripheral Speed in Feet Per Minute (ft/min)) at 3200 Revolutions Per Minute (rpm) for 12 Inch (in) Diameter

10200 rpm

Surface Speed (Peripheral Speed in Feet Per Minute (ft/min)) at 3450 Revolutions Per Minute (rpm) for 12 Inch (in) Diameter

11000 rpm

Surface Speed (Peripheral Speed in Feet Per Minute (ft/min)) at 3750 Revolutions Per Minute (rpm) for 12 Inch (in) Diameter

11800 rpm

Surface Speed (Peripheral Speed in Feet Per Minute (ft/min)) at 4000 Revolutions Per Minute (rpm) for 12 Inch (in) Diameter

12500 rpm

Surface Speed (Peripheral Speed in Feet Per Minute (ft/min)) at 4500 Revolutions Per Minute (rpm) for 12 Inch (in) Diameter

14100 rpm

Surface Speed (Peripheral Speed in Feet Per Minute (ft/min)) at 5000 Revolutions Per Minute (rpm) for 12 Inch (in) Diameter

5000 rpm

Surface Speed (Peripheral Speed in Feet Per Minute (ft/min)) at 5400 Revolutions Per Minute (rpm) for 12 Inch (in) Diameter

5400 rpm

Surface Speed (Peripheral Speed in Feet Per Minute (ft/min)) at 6000 Revolutions Per Minute (rpm) for 12 Inch (in) Diameter

6000 rpm

Wheel Brush Adapter Plates

Description - These slip-fit metal adapters are used for mounting nylon abrasive wheel brushes onto smaller shafts. Sold in pairs. Available for 4-1/4" and 5-1/4" brush ID wheels and 2" brush ID wheels.

Part Number - 35040
Adapters Fits Arbor Hole - 4-1/4 in.
Adapter Inside Diameter (ID) - 2 in.
Keyway Size - 1/2 x 1/4 (2)

Wheel Brush Adapter Plates for CNC Machine Shell Mill Holders

Tanis®’ Wheel Brush Adapter, designed by our engineering team to support automated deburring, allows simple attachment of wheel brushes to CNC machines. No hassle coupling is accomplished by placing the adapter plates on both sides of the wheel brush and securing the device with a bolt to the shell mill holder. Set screws prevent the brush from rotating.

Part Number - 35910
Face Width - Standard
Brush Inside Diameter (ID) - 4-1/4 in.
Pilot - 1-1/4 in.

Wheel Brush Adapter Plates for CNC Machine Shell Mill Holders

Tanis®’ Wheel Brush Adapter, designed by our engineering team to support automated deburring, allows simple attachment of wheel brushes to CNC machines. No hassle coupling is accomplished by placing the adapter plates on both sides of the wheel brush and securing the device with a bolt to the shell mill holder. Set screws prevent the brush from rotating.

Part Number - 35925
Face Width - Double
Brush Inside Diameter (ID) - 4-1/4 in.
Pilot - 1-1/4 in.

  • Machine Part Deburring
  • Turbine Blade Surface Finishing
  • Light Duty Cleaning/Finishing
  • Edge Radiusing
  • Improving Surface Finish
  • Post Coat Polish of Flutes on Carbide Drills
  • Hone Drill Point Lip Edge on Carbide Drills

Additional Information
Abrasive nylon wheel brushes work best at speeds allowing fairly deep penetration of the work piece into the brush filaments. Faster speeds do not typically work as well as slower speeds, since the maximum RPM listed on the brush is not the optimum working speed. A good rule of thumb is to stay below 2,500 SFPM in dry applications and 3,500 SFPM with coolant. When operating multiple wheel brushes on a common shaft, multiply the HP requirements listed above times the number of brushes in use.

Penetration (Point of Contact)
The abrasive action occurs when the sides of the brush filament slides across the part surface or edge of the part. When the correct balance between speed (RPM), penetration, dwell time and abrasive grit size are achieved, then optimum life and cut can be obtained.

Recommended penetration rates for abrasive nylon wheel brushes are maximized up to 10% of trim length. This will allow long brush life with aggressive abrasive action.

Considerations when Selecting Filament for a Tanis® Abrasive Nylon Brush

Grit Size
120 grit is our recommended starting point for most applications. From there you can move either down or up in grit size, for a more aggressive cutting action or more of a polishing action. The chart on page 73 shows our abrasive nylon filament/grit size options.

Trim Length and Brush Density
A brush with a short trim length is rigid and used for high speed cutting. Longer trim lengths are more flexible and used for conforming to irregular surfaces. Likewise, a brush with a lower fill density has greater flexibility and ability to conform, as well as increased resiliency. High fill density brushes are used for deburring and when high speed cutting is required.

Troubleshooting - Abrasive Nylon Brushes
Brush too aggressive
  • Reduce filament diameter and/or grit size
  • Reduce surface speed by reducing RPM
  • Increase trim length and decrease fill density
  • Increase feed rate
  • Use a smaller diameter brush
Brush not aggressive enough
  • Increase filament density and/or grit size
  • Increase surface speed by increasing RPM
  • Decrease trim length
  • Reduce feed rate
  • Use a larger diameter brush
Brush not conforming enough to part
  • Increase trim length
  • Reduce filament density
  • Use a smaller diameter brush
  • Reduce surface speed by reducing RPM
  • Reduce feed rate
Final finish too rough
  • Increase surface speed by increasing RPM
  • Use a larger diameter brush
  • Use a finer abrasive filament
  • Use a coolant or cutting oil
  • Use a buffing compound
Final finish too smooth
  • Reduce surface speed by reducing RPM
  • Use a smaller diameter brush
  • Increase filament density and/or grit size
Filament smearing/melting
  • Reduce surface speed by reducing RPM
  • Decrease brush diameter
  • Use a coolant or lubricant
More action needed on edges parallel to brush axis
  • Reduce surface speed by reducing RPM
  • Reduce feed rate
  • Keep longer brush contact on problem area
More action needed on edges perpendicular to brush axis
  • Reduce surface speed by reducing RPM
  • Increase feed rate
  • Oscillate brush on problem area
Brush action not uniform enough
  • Increase trim length
  • Reduce filament density
  • Use automated equipment for brush motion
Short brush life
  • Increase filament density
  • Reduce pressure/depth of interference

Additional diameters and grits available upon request.


·  Wheel Brush Adapter Plates

·  Wheel Brush Adapter Plates for CNC Machine Shell Mill Holders

·  CNC Wheel Brush Adapter Steps


Abrasive Safety Considerations and Power Brush Requirements Summary
(PDF, 584KB)

Abrasive Brushes Information
(PDF, 790KB)
